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The Home Design Process is foreign to most people. It’s not complicated, it’s just that most people go through the design process only once. This is a vital preparatory stage during which Michael Katsaitis will generate a program with client input. The program describes the nature and approximate size of the spaces to be included in a project and how they might relate to each other. MK Studio also gathers property surveys, zoning research, and any relevant existing condition information.


Next, we will discuss what style of home you like and how you want the floor layout to flow.  Most clients will bring in pictures or magazine photos that illustrate their personal likes and dislikes. The more we can understand how you will live in your new home the better we will be able to design the home to suit your individuality. This is where we will discuss budget and how that reflects to square footage and specification levels. Most sub-divisions have Architectural Guidelines that we will have to abide by and we will discuss what they are and how this will affect your design.


Michael believes that good communication is key to creating an enjoyable and rewarding residential design process for all of his clients. Our firm is intentionally small, which enables Michael to be personally and intimately involved in each and every aspect of a project as a member of the Design Team.  From Schematic Design all the way to Construction Administration and beyond, it is our ultimate goal to see that our clients’ vision and ideas for their project are not only realized, but surpassed. 


Schematic Design

During Schematic Design, perhaps the most critical part of designing a home, these drawings include a conceptual site plan study, floor plans of each level, along with exterior elevations of the front of the home. It is this series of drawings that will synthesize all the programming components, dreams and physical site information into a cohesive whole. 


We will also finalize the building code and setback requirements for your site, determine if there are any public agencies that need to be involved and develop concept plans that describe the nature and scope of work for the project. At the conclusion of Schematic Design we will be able to determine a square foot estimate for the project.

Design Development

During Design Development we will further refine and develop concept plans that accurately reflect the scope of your project. We will discuss finish materials and product preferences. Based on the completed Design Development documents, a good General Contractor should be able to give you a budget number to within 20% of the final project cost. Also, at this time, if a variance or special use permit is required, submissions to the local government agencies are prepared and we can lobby on behalf of your project.  

Construction Documentation

During the Construction Document phase of the project we will develop detail drawings that further describe the nature and scope of the Work.  You will be able to obtain, based on these Construction Documents, all architectural permits required for construction. During development of the Construction Documents we will meet at various times to discuss the project’s progress and clarify materials and finishes as well as lighting, cabinetry and fixtures.

Construction Administration

During the Construction Document phase of the project we will develop detail drawings that further describe the nature and scope of the Work.  You will be able to obtain, based on these Construction Documents, all architectural permits required for construction. During development of the Construction Documents we will meet at various times to discuss the project’s progress and clarify materials and finishes as well as lighting, cabinetry and fixtures.

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